Happy Birthday…here’s a toaster

imageSo recently I was browsing online for a birthday gift for my mom. She is incredibly hard to shop for (although she would NEVER admit it) so it’s always quite the challenge. I like to get her things that are unique and personalized if I can, so I consulted my dear friend Google and got to searching.

Many of the websites I visited had a “gifts for her” section and after looking through these “her” gifts I was seriously bothered.

One website in particular had things such as vacuum cleaners, toaster ovens and electric mixers. Cause nothing says “Happy Birthday Mom” like reminding her of all the cleaning and cooking she does. I found this to be true of most of the searches I did. Kitchen appliances, coffee mugs and throw blankets. Us moms have made quite a niche haven’t we?

What a lot of people don’t realize is that moms, are also women. There is more to their lives than cooking, cleaning and child rearing. They have hobbies and interests. They like music, movies and books. They like to travel. Long gone are the Carol Brady mothers of the past. And if my husband or child bought me a fucking vacuum for my birthday, I’d probably throw it at them.

Birthdays are the one day a year that is all about you. It celebrates the day you entered into this world and all the years you’ve survived it. A birthday gift should be something that comes from the heart and that will mean something to that person.

So with that being said, I’m giving my mom wine and cash cause she is SERIOUSLY hard to shop for.

14 thoughts on “Happy Birthday…here’s a toaster

      1. It is so terribly patronising to be given an electrical item for my birthday…parts for my chainsaw are ok and I’ll buy those for myself but toasters, kettles, vacuum cleaners…I wouldn’t dare.


      2. True story! Now it’s different if you actually voice your desire for one of these things. I actually bought a steam mop with an Amazon gift card I got for my thirtieth birthday lol but to be squeezed into such a stereotypical category like that is pure BS.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. A steam mop? Never heard of those. I scrub my floors on my hands and knees, that’s possibly why I don’t scrub my floors very often.


      4. No no, step away from the mops. Ok, I’ll just take a peep and blame you when I’m spending my mornings rubbing away the floors because my new toy is more exciting than my life.


      5. Lmao ok it’s a deal. PS the novelty wears off after one or two uses. Even with a nifty tool to use, it’s still mopping 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Does it make cakes? If it does, I shall take two, just in case the first one breaks or runs away with my as yet, unused bog standard mop that’s gathering dust in a room I’ve yet to clean and even find. Perhaps it would be easier if I was to hire a maid.


      7. It does not, but perhaps we should invent one that does and then we can hire maids with all the bazillions we make from selling our cake baking steam mop!!! It sounds like a win/win to me 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      8. A woman after my own heart. Gluten-free cake making maid, wanted for immediate employment, must have mop attachment insitu. Please apply by sending a cake to …


      9. Sounds like a plan. If the guy who invented the pet rock can be a millionaire, I think we have a definite shot.

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